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Every 38 hours, a pharmacy in Germany closes its doors forever. To counteract this, NOWEDA Apothekergenossenschaft has initiated the Pharmacy Pact for the Future. It is one of the topics that are the focus of the 2017/2018 annual report. Its motto: The future is for many.

NOWEDA Apothekergenossenschaft eG

NOWEDA is a pharmacist-owned business enterprise; around 9,200 pharmacists are members of the cooperative. NOWEDA supplies pharmacies in Germany with medicines and thus makes an important contribution to a safe and fast supply of medicines to the population. In addition, NOWEDA provides member pharmacies with a wide range of services. The 2017/2018 annual report is muehlhausmoers' first work for NOWEDA. The agency designed the relaunch of the report and produced it.